Valeo Training

Friday, September 21, 2007


My friend, Amber recently posted this Japanese Treadmill Madness video on her gameshow entertainment or my new workout idea for you all?!?!! This is hilarious!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

SHOULD [ burdens ] vs. COULD [ blessings ]

Next time you are overwhelmed with the SHOULDs in life: [ BURDENS ]
I should eat that...
I should go for a walk...
I should get more sleep...

Change your shoulds to COULDs... [ BLESSINGS ]
I could eat that...
I could go for a walk...
I could get more sleep...

Nobody wants to do what they should. The options are out there. You don't HAVE to do anything. We all have choices, each with different consequences. Think of how good you feel when you choose to do something wonderfully strong and healthy for yourself. Too many 'shoulds' just produce guilt...and guilt does nothing for motivation or better health.

Negativity never serves.

Be good to yourself today and allow yourself the option to choose.

(thanks for the words of wisdom, Lee!!)